Have your ketubah text printed with a fine-art reproduction of a photograph dear to your heart. We'll fit your text to the photograph and print it on our 100% cotton archival paper. You must supply us with a good quality photo. Prices begin at $300 and depend on the complexity of the text area shape and the amount of color correction needed.
Photos may be supplied in the form of good quality prints (made from film, not digital prints), or high resolution digital files. Remember that the photo will be enlarged and that the quality of the original will determine the quality of the final print. Print size up to 16" x 21".
Do you have a photo you'd like to use in your ketubah? Upload it to Dropbox and send us the link. We will look at it and let you know if it will work well.
The photo ketubah above shows the bride and groom at one of their favorite places.
Dark text against the sky and white text against the dark sand show adaptations to work well with the photo you provide.
The photo ketubah above shows how text can be placed in irregular shapes to conform to features of the photograph.
Photograph of Mt. Desert Island, Maine by Heather S. Roe.
The photo ketubah above shows the scene where the wedding took place.
The text area was made to fit the irregular shape under the trellis.
The photo ketubah above was also the site of the wedding.
Chesler Park, Canyonlands National Park, Utah
Photo by Deborah Gould, ©2004
The scene in the photograph is a place where the bride and groom had spent some special time together.